
Karl's Open Source Projects


Boron is an interpreted, prototype-based, scripting language similar to Rebol. The interpreter and datatype system is a C library useful for building domain specific languages embedded in C/C++ applications.

Faun audio library

Faun is a high-level C API for playback of sound & music in games & demos.

Features include support for audio embedded in larger files, playback of stream fragments, and a bytecode language for running simple playback sequences.

GLV library

The GLV library provides a small, cross-platform, C interface for creating a window or fullscreen display with an OpenGL context.

In the past it is has run on Windows and Mac OS, but it is primary used on Linux and Android.


Sfx_gen is a stand-alone C version of DrPetter's sfxr sound effect generator and includes the following:


Atlush is an image atlas editor which tracks rectangular regions on an image or set of images.

Atlush screenshot

xu4 - Ultima IV Recreated

I took over development of this classic game recreation in 2021 and it's now very close to the original.

Primal Form

The first version of this project was a basic 3D modeller. Version 2 uses OpenGL 3 and is more of a test bed for various mesh generators and shaders.

v1 snapshot v2 snapshot


Sup is the file supplement synchronization tool. It was developed as a simple way to keep binary files in sync with a code repository, though it's entirely separate from any version control software. It's a light-weight alternative to systems like Git LFS or git-annex.

Compare Wave

The cmp-wave program compares a pair of Wave files or two directories containing similarly named Wave files.


This is a simple web based issue tracker. It shows a large number of issues in a multi-column layout. It was used at work for while, but for my personal projects I just prefer a text TODO file.

Issue snapshot Priority snapshot